Tim Oakes

Made to make you think

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I've been giving this one some thought and I can't understand it. In the morning I get out of bed, pick up my towel and go and have a shower. I do my very best to clean myself, then obviosuly towel dry. I then get dressed etc and put the slightly damp towel on the radiator to dry. It usually stays there until the next day. My question is if I'm clean when I get out of the shower, why does my towel ever need cleaning?! I think this is one of those puzzlers that ranks alongside 'why do men have nipples?' and 'why is Ben Brown such an easy target?' Any thoughts?


  • At 4:32 pm, January 10, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    It's like my washing-machine. The little drawer that you put soap powder in is filthy! When all it has in there is soap and water, how can it get dirty?

    Another troublesome problem is: how do towels reproduce in boys' bedrooms?

  • At 5:22 pm, January 10, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    An aside

    Tim, do you have, or do you know anyone locally who has, the DVD of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

  • At 8:16 pm, January 10, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    The soap tray in our washing machine has started to do that too - wierd!

    Can't help with indiana.

  • At 8:22 pm, January 10, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    more strange even is the mystery that men seem to be unable to be able to comprehend. when you leave a towel on the floor, why dont the fairies pick it up and dry it for you?

  • At 7:40 am, January 11, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    Hey lets not tarnish all men with poor towel management thanks! I think I do alright and you'd never see my towel on the floor and they certainly don't reproduce. If anything I'm little short on towels.


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