Tim Oakes

Made to make you think

Friday, January 20, 2006

Blue Peter Badges

I rank this amoungst my finest achievements. Today I recieved a letter to my alter ego "William Oakes" from Blue Peter! Enclosed was a wonderful letter from the shows editor and a shiney new Blue Peter badge!

A while ago I was boasting how I have a green Blue Peter badge for a letter I wrote when I was 7 but I've always wanted a proper blue and white one. About 2 months ago I created a fictional child and emailled the show with some rubbish about how much I loved it. I didnt think I'd get a response as my final line of the email was:

"thanks for making blue peter my second favourite show after newsround"

Well the Beeb have come up trumps and now I have my sights set on a gold badge. I challenge you all to write as many letters as it takes to win a badge, it feels so good to get one!


  • At 1:36 pm, January 20, 2006, Blogger Rob said…

    oh dear, a new all time low timmy.

    almost as bad as jon thinking about pretending to be a little boy and writing to cadburys suggesting they made smaller chocolate bars in an attempt to get some free chocolates. His final line was going to be "a normal size bar is too big to fit in my little 7year old tummy" - utter disgrace.

  • At 3:30 pm, January 20, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    I am appalled at such trickery, Tim!

  • At 4:15 pm, January 20, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    I knew this kind of jealousy would rear it's ugly head! Be honest with yourself and just admit you're gutted that you're not as clever as I am! They are selling for over £20 on eBay and I anticipate more letters being sent!

    Rob I didn't predend I was 7, I was 10 and 3/4's!

  • At 4:56 pm, January 20, 2006, Blogger Jon said…

    Jon: 'What did you have for lunch today Rob?'

    Rob (in his characteristically girly voice): 'Rocky bars'

    Jon: 'That must have been a lot of Rocky bars Rob?'

    Rob: 'Yeah, I stole them off some kids down at the local primary school'

    Rob you are a disgrace.

  • At 8:44 pm, January 20, 2006, Blogger Tim Lovell said…

    I think that all we are seeing is how living in Wales can utterly corrupt you. Tim, that is a disgrace- do you think that there is an endless supply of Blue Peter badges- there isn't. So you have just deprived a young child of a truly exciting experience.

    My brother once sent a picture in to Wackady, and cried when it wasn't shown on TV. I bet some other 20 something year old smug tosser sent in a picture just so he could have a laugh with his mate when our namesake Timmy Mallet showed it on TV. Shame on you.

  • At 12:45 pm, January 21, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    dont sell you soul to the corporate market sweetheart.

    Timmy, in fact, all the welsh boys, you are a disgrace. I have informed konnie huq (the BP presenter that makes up the equal opportunities quota) and she is going to launch an expose.

    I was in the audience of crackerjack when I was 3. I got a pen and a t-shirt that said 'ooh I could crush a grape' and I kissed stu francis on the cheek.

  • At 6:28 pm, January 21, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    My house mate (she's not too sharp) got really concerned that one of the peresenters would actually turn up to award me my badge. She even went as far as to think about kids who could pretend to be William!

    Well Done Scriv for being the only honest person on here.

  • At 10:05 pm, January 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr Timothy William Oakes! How dishonest; theres probably some child in the UK crying because hes got a letter saying we are terribly sorry but we have a sortage of badges at the moment, because of people like you!

    I guess you struggled as a child to get a white and blue badge didn't you? - i bet they fobed you off with a green one or something didn't they?! I guess you deserve one for all the years of persistance!

  • At 8:38 pm, January 22, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    just looked at your pictures section. how the heck did you and benny manage to get away with holidaying with 3 hotties? they must have either been your sisters or thought you two were a couple right?

    (I am using the basis that you are friends with jon rob and ben to abuse you, hope this is ok)

  • At 8:02 am, January 23, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    Whoever Anonymous is, I'd just like to point out green ones are rarer and harder to get. I'm going for the whole collection and I dare you to try and stop me!

    It's fine to mock Jodie but know that I can be particularly nasty! I'm not Ben's gay lover, but I got invited on the trip coz the girls didn't think they could push ben around all the cobbled streets. I realise that holiday will be the closest I ever get to being Hue Hefner!

  • At 11:08 am, January 23, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    "My house mate (she's not too sharp).."

    I've told you about that before, Timothy!

    Have the exams finished? And how did/are they go/going?

  • At 5:35 pm, January 23, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    I'm over half way with the exams. First two were really hard but I did alright. Had one today which was a walk in the park and I finished with more than an hour to spare! Two to go with the last one on Saturday. Thanks for asking Liz

  • At 5:41 pm, January 24, 2006, Blogger beckyclaydon said…

    tim you are a genius. i want one. i'm thinking maybe 'Sophie Loveday' aged 8.
    for the rest of you freeloaders out there, check out www.freeukstuff.com
    i once got some shaving oil. and now i keep getting sent a monthly venetian blinds catalogue.
    the most fun thing to do is to get entirely inappropriate things sent to your friends [or jon or rob for instance].

  • At 7:47 pm, January 24, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    me and hannah went round the freshers fair signing jon and rob up for everything. especially the LGB. we also consideref sending porn, but couldnt bring ourselves to look at the sites!!!

  • At 8:04 am, January 25, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    The trouble is whatever you send Jon and Rob they'll like and find some use for. Did you hear about the time Jon bought a female hygiene product?! Ask him

  • At 11:31 am, January 25, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    Tim, I want some of the cake you're making.

  • At 11:45 am, January 25, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    Liz I'm still on my medication so you can be sure the cake will last all of 5 minutes. If i find a camera I'll take a picture to tease you!

    Grow up Carrie, "Blue peter police" do you really think they care?

  • At 1:12 pm, January 25, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    And there was me thinking, 'Shall I invite Tim to tea with the team next Tuesday?' You've blown your chances now!

  • At 1:35 pm, January 25, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    I can't help my kidneys leaking and being addict to steroids. It's the NHS's fault. And there was me thinking you're actaully a nice person Liz! If you don't invite me I'm sure Harvey will!

  • At 12:55 pm, January 26, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    Have you done today's jigsaw, Tim? I can't do it.

  • At 5:42 pm, January 26, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    I hate those negative ones. Did it in 10mins 1 second. I can normally whip them off under 7 minutes but that was tough. Don't give up Liz!

  • At 6:27 pm, January 26, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    16 minutes!(And 34 seconds)

  • At 11:44 pm, June 18, 2009, Blogger IphoneTim said…

    Hi this is William Timothy Oakes I would really appreciate it if you not use my name as your alias I really wouldn't anyone to think I was the queer here!!!!!


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