Tim Oakes

Made to make you think

Thursday, April 06, 2006


So in under two weeks I'm jumping out of a plane. Not coz I'm crazy but because I'm trying to do a good thing. As the date races toward me I'm increasingly thinking of ways that I can pull out but I know I can't. At the point when I'm sitting in a plane at 15,000 feet with the door wide open a nice man is going to say, "Do you want to do this". Hmmm let me think... NO! Obviously I'm much to proud to back out and it'll be my pride that takes me to the doorway but I know from experience I'm going to end up screaming like a little girl. The question is: How can I do I stop myself screaming?!


  • At 5:21 pm, April 07, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    when you look out of the plane and see nothing, you will naturally begin to scream like a girl. but as soon as you open your mouth it will be hit by air and the need to scream will be taken over by the need to breathe, and after about 30 seconds of not breathing the need to breathe will be taken over by the need to stay conscious and not to die, and as soon as you have caught your breath, and assuming that you havent yet died you will then be just trying not to hit the ground too hard, cos you know you can break your legs if you dont land properly.Oh, and somewhere in all of that you have to remember to pull a string that means the difference between life and death.

    Its the most amazing experience ever!

  • At 8:21 am, April 08, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    But Ben I'd rather scream than poo my pants like I know you will. The sock and gaffa sounds like a plan though.

  • At 7:56 am, April 10, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    Think of a word to focus on and shout instead. Geronimo is the obvious one so go for a less obvious one like ... hallelujah. Or Rumpelstiltskin. Or Nearer my God to thee.

  • At 2:42 pm, April 10, 2006, Blogger Anna said…

    If you are studying aerospace engineering shouldn't you be at home in the sky? Does that also mean you know all the things that can go wrong with a parachute? Can you die? Ooh, scary.

    I agree with my mum about screaming, but I'm thinking you should pick a tougher word than 'rumplestiltskin'. At least choose something that makes you seem as though you are down with the homies.

    By the way, I'll sponsor you, but only if you scream.

  • At 8:15 pm, April 10, 2006, Blogger jodes da princess said…

    I'm not sure they should let benny jump. wont he fall out of the harness?

  • At 6:29 pm, April 12, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    We have discussed Ben's ability to jump at great length but the paracute centre think they have a cute big enough to handle not only bens man boobs but also his wheel chair. I feel sorry for the guy strapped to ben coz there is a strong chance ben will dribble on him.

  • At 10:47 am, April 13, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    Tim you have made a spelling error - it should be 'you're' not 'your'. Thicko

  • At 3:01 pm, April 16, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    Praying for your safety and lots of money. x

  • At 2:03 pm, April 19, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    Well, aren't you going to tell us all about it?

  • At 2:04 pm, April 19, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    No it's a secret

  • At 6:55 pm, April 19, 2006, Blogger Liz Hinds said…

    No money then!

    Or: unless you tell I'll tell everyone about a certain plug and a lighting desk that doesn't work any more.

  • At 6:33 am, April 20, 2006, Blogger Tim said…

    HaHa - new post on it's way shortly!


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