Tim Oakes

Made to make you think

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I've been giving this idea of Jesus asking us to give up everything for him some thought and a few questions still remain.

First is this:

Surely sacrificing all we have is difficult and painful especially in the scenario where Jesus says we could be asked to disown our families. How can such loss be married with the statement "my burden is light and my yoke is easy"?


Mr Lovell posted a beautiful reply about the cost of grace. You can read it here but since the publication of "What’s So Amazing About Grace" the idea of free grace and our inability to earn it has been bought to the fore. What do you guys think? What's the true price of grace?


When Jesus talks about losing all we have is it simply in relation to our status with God (we decrease so he can increase) or is it a wider point about how we relate to the people around us.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Christian Porn!

I expect this post will appeal to the Justyn in all of you but recently Chris Matthews (Our mighty leader) and I were directed to "The number 1 christian porn site"! We couldn't stop laughing

It sounds too good to be true but check out XXX Church by clicking here

My favourite part is this trailer aimed at kids - yes thats right small children!


(For those who fear the sight of naked women (Benny) fear not as there isn't any nudity)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

We Have A Winner!

A big congratulations to Dirty Justyn for his genius in the caption competition. The judges enjoyed the irony in his entry. Lover man Lovell gets this weeks bonus prize for effort and may he be an example to you all.

Send me your addresses and a booty bag will be winging it's way to you shortly.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Captions Please?!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Learning to Lose

In November I’m talking at chapel. The title is “learning to lose” or something like that; it’s about Jesus saying if you want to find your life you must lose it . I’d appreciate you theological thinkings based around this. Will it cost me everything to follow Jesus? Thoughts please

Monday, October 03, 2005

Too much?

I got thinking today about cars. A friend of mine is looking to buy one and I started to think if I was loaded what car would I buy. A twinge of Christian conscience then said that I’d limit my choice of car coz I’d lose the respect of Jon Matthews if I cruised round in a Rolls! But a serious point, when we all start earning lots how much is too much? At what size house and how large a garden do we stop our excess? I was thinking that I’d quite like to be one of those guys that had an Audi, 5 bed house, sea views but is that too much? I’d get by with a crappy Fiesta and 2 bedroom council house but is that selling myself short?

How much is too much?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Subbuteo King!

Caption Winner!

After a two hour meeting the commitee finally made up their minds. The winner of last weeks caption competition was "The Fresh Brian Dash". The judges praised his imagination for the kebab comment. Liz Hinds came a very close second simply for continuing the age old joke of Ben's physical difficulties. Congratulations to this week winner. Email me your address and a prize bag will be in the post.